Conference Paper

PostGIS latest news


PostGIS 2.x has been around for a while now, and it is now the default version used. This is due to the great amount of improvement, in terms of features, performances and ease of use compared to the previous versions.

This talk presents the latest news of the PostGIS world. Since version 2.0, a lot of work has been done in PostGIS and PostgreSQL, and new features continue to be integrated into these products.

We will present the latest PostGIS features, with a specific focus on 3D data management. it will also be an opportunity to show some relevant tools for 3D data management or visualization, taking advantage of PostGIS 3D features.

Many PostGIS features are based on corresponding PostgreSQL features, and this presentation will also show the latest PostgreSQL features which are significant for PostGIS users. The new JSONB capabilities, foreign data wrappers, KNN search and more.

Aside PostGIS, a new extension has seen the light to deal with Lidar data and more generally large Point data : PointCloud. This talk will also present PointCloud features and its interactions with PostGIS.


Vincent Picavet, Hugo Mercier

Presenter Biography: 

Vincent Picavet is an applied mathematics engineer. After a few years working on satellite imagery, he dedicates himself to GIS, designing and implementing spatial data infrastructures with PostGIS and PostgresQL as main components. Vincent founded Oslandia in 2009 with Olivier Courtin, specializing in OpenSource GIS and spatial databases. Vincent is a PostGIS contributor and has given a lot of training sessions at the university or in private companies.

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