MapMint is an OpenSource platform 100% based on OGC Web Services. "Everything is a process" was the base principle which drive the developement of the platform. With the power given by WPS implementations and moreover the ZOO-Project, a project in OSGeo Incubation process which we are leading, we were able to build taking advantage of other usefull OSGeo tools available such as MapServer, Proj4 and GDAL/OGR a fully functional Web Management Tool for Spatial Data Infrastructure. During the workshop atendees will be able to publish in an efficient way web application displaying datasources through the MapServer GIS engine transparently. Initially attendees, will see how it is easy to integrate new dataset into the platform by using the Distiller administration module, how those data are automatically published as valid OGC Web Services (WMS, WFS and WCS), a brief presentation on how to convert, transform or process your original data to create new ones will be shown (form simple to complexe vector operations until various raster treatments). Then an introduction to the manager module will be made, presenting how to confiugure yoru layer to make them shown the way you want in the final client interface, how you can easilly style your layers by using vector and raster classification. For raster classification, tiling will be presented as the interrest of using such a mechanism to publish your layer efficiently and make them displayed quickly. To conclude the first application, attendees will go through the whole publication process, giving the capability for the administrator to define layout of its final application, the modules which should be activated or not. Despite it is possible to publish quickly simple application, we will show to attendee that it is really simple to build more complexe interface by using the templating system used by the platform.
Presenter Biography:
Gérald Fenoy obtained his Master degree in Computer Science for University of Montpellier II. After graduation he worked in a private company as a developer for Web-GIS application and PostGIS based system integration.
He later established his company ""GeoLabs"" in 2006 and has done several projects in France and overseas. He has been actively developing and promoting OSGeo technologies through training workshops and publications. At Geolabs he created the API for OOCMS (Object Oriented ContentManagement System which is a powerful document and map production system using OpenOffice UNO server and FOSS4G tools. He is a regular participant and contributor to FOSS4G International Conferences. He has also contributed several enhancements and bug-fixes to Mapserver, GDAL and Tilecache.
He is presently working on implementing the ZOO-Project, an OWS Platform in C++. His present research interests are distributed geospatial web services, sensor network and cloud computing.